Frequently Asked Questions


How much does it cost to sign up?
It’s totally free to join!
How many items can I sell on Whisky Pals?
Unlimited! Once you have signed up as a Seller can list as many items as you want. We don’t charge any commission so you keep all of the profits.
How do I repost an item?
If you click on listings next to the dashboard you will see all of your items. You will see the option to “edit” “view” or “repost”

Alternatively, you can click on the item itself and you will see the repost option there

Please note items can only be reposted once every 7 days
I’ve sold an item, how do I arrange payment?
We do not handle directly as we are a third party but some of our Sellers have sold using PayPal, Bank Transfer, CashApp, Cryptocurrency and more.


How much does it cost for Buyers to sign up?
It’s completely free for Buyers to sign up.
I’ve seen a Whisky I want to buy. How do I order?
It’s as simple as messaging the Seller to see if the item is still available. If so, agree on a payment and delivery method that is convenient for both.
How do I receive the item?
You will need to agree on shipping costs with the Seller. As Whisky Pals is a global platform we have users from all over the world, shipping costs may vary. Agree on shipping costs and methods with your Seller and wait for your item(s) to arrive.
I’ve agreed on a purchase. How do I pay for it?
The seller must agree a safe payment method with the Buyer. The payment transactions are handled between the Seller and Buyer, meaning Whisky Pals are unlikely to be able to help in case of dispute.

Other FAQS

How do I delete my account?
We’re sorry to hear you want to leave our community. If you go to profile settings and scroll to the bottom, you will see the option to delete your account. This will permanently delete your account and any data/images. However, if you change your mind, we would be more than happy to welcome you back. Just create a new account and you will be good to go.
Can anyone see my email address?
Your personal information will never be displayed. The only information that is displayed publicly, is the information you choose to add to your profile.
How do I submit a blog article?
We’re always looking for members to contribute to our blogs. We require our blogs to be a minimum of 800 words and on a topic that has not already been covered. If you would like to contribute to our community blogs send us a DM!